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Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Days Off Tuesdays and Fridays)

email :  TEL  07817142192

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Jesus, the Word.

The WORD became flesh and dwelt among us.” John 1:14

  Most Christmas Carol Services end with the well-known reading of St John 1. Verse 1 tells us that the WORD existed in the very beginning, was with God and was God, and that everything was made by Him. He was the Creator. Verse 14 goes on to say that “the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us.” This links the birth of Jesus to that passage of Scripture, and emphasises the fact that the baby born in the manger and worshipped by the shepherds and magi had always been in existence and had indeed been involved with the creation of the world. Verse 3 says that nothing was made without Him and we read in Genesis 1 that God said, “Let there be”, light or sky or living creatures, so we might say that it was the Word of God that brought everything into being. At the time of the Exodus, God’s instructions to Moses were in speech, as from the burning bush. When Jesus came into the world it was to make God known to His people, and, as they had wandered away from Him, to redeem them and bring them back to God. He taught His Disciples and went from place to place speaking to the people. He told them that He and the Father were One, and that “The word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me.” To Philip He said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father,” and “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in Me?” (John 14:24, 9, 10.) We can therefore say that Jesus is the WORD of GOD. We are able to read His words in the Bible. They are described as ‘a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.’ (Psalm 119:105). John 1 describes Jesus as being ‘the True Light which gives light to everyone who comes into the world.’ An example of this is in Matthew 5,6,7, where Jesus gives guidance for living and tells us the best ways to live in harmony with one another.

  In this season of Advent, as we prepare for Christmas, are we preparing for remembering the coming into the world of God’s Son, Jesus, the true Word of God? Matthew 1:23 quotes Isaiah 7:14 which says, “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a Son, and they will call Him Immanuel, which means, ‘God with us’. This was indeed a miracle, for it was through God the Holy Spirit that Mary became pregnant. It meant, as written in T. C. Hammond’s book, ‘In Understanding be Men’, that Jesus ‘was free from the taint of original sin.’ He therefore possessed both Divine and Human natures. Joseph, who was betrothed to Mary, needed a message from God to explain what had taken place and, in a dream an angel said, “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will bring forth a Son and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save his people from their sins.”Then Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him.’ (Matthew 1:20-21 & 24)  There are well known prophecies in the old Testament pointing to the birth of God’s Son, such as Isaiah 9:6-7, ‘For unto us a child is born,-- and His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom.’ Micah 5:2 says, ‘But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the clans of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth One to be ruler in Israel.’ This was fulfilled because of a decree from Caesar Augustus to hold a Census so that Mary had to go with Joseph to his home town of Bethlehem just at the time when Jesus was due to be born.

  When it was time for Jesus to be taken to the Temple in Jerusalem ‘to be presented to the Lord’, they were seen by Simeon. The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that ‘he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.’ He took Jesus in his arms to bless Him and prayed words suggested by Isaiah 52:10, and 42:6), “Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen your salvation, ---a light to bring light to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.

  As we celebrate Christmas let us rejoice and praise God for His love for us as we bring to mind some of the well-known readings and carols telling us of the birth of our Saviour, ‘the Word made flesh.’

Happy Christmas,  Kathie.    Quotes from NKJV & NIV


Sun 1st Dec               10.45am       Worship service                            Val Hulme

Sun 8th Dec              10.45am       OPEN Service

Sun 15th Dec                        10.45am       Communion Service                     Val Hulme

Sun 22nd Dec           10.45am       Carol Service                                  Revd Neil Brighton

Christmas Eve        4.30pm*       Carols by Candlelight

Christmas Day        10.30am*    Christmas Day Show and Tell service

Sun 29th Dec                        10.45am       OPEN service


Wednesday10-11am Prayer Meeting .   coffee /chat 9.45am                    Thursday 5th Dec   Deacons’ meeting                       Thursday 19th Dec   1pm- 3.30pm  Coffee Plus+        Sat 7th Dec  11am  2pm  CHRISTMAS PARTY**                                                     Sat 21st Dec Walking with you Group  10am -12pm                                            Strategy Group  to be arranged

WED 11th Dec  7.30pm  All Singers Great and Small  CHRISTMAS CONCERT- tickets £5 

  • Carols by Candlelight service Christmas Eve followed by  light refreshments 4.30pm
  • Christmas Party (all ages)  with games and activities, songs and “bring and share” lunch. Do join us  Saturday 7th Dec 11am – 2pm

Next Church Meeting SUNDAY 19th January 2025   Please make a note of the day and try your best to be there.

Our Pastoral Leader will be on annual leave from 26th December to 1st January 2025 (inclusive)


Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing


Wishing everyone a peaceful and healthy Christmas season        with every blessing for the New Year


Sun 1st Dec               10.45am       Worship service                            Val Hulme

Sun 8th Dec              10.45am       OPEN Service

Sun 15th Dec                        10.45am       Communion Service                     Val Hulme

Sun 22nd Dec           10.45am       Carol Service                                  Revd Neil Brighton

Christmas Eve        4.30pm*       Carols by Candlelight

Christmas Day        10.30am*    Christmas Day Show and Tell service

Sun 29th Dec                        10.45am       OPEN service


Wednesday10-11am Prayer Meeting .   coffee /chat 9.45am                    Thursday 5th Dec   Deacons’ meeting                       Thursday 19th Dec   1pm- 3.30pm  Coffee Plus+        Sat 7th Dec  11am  2pm  CHRISTMAS PARTY**                                                     Sat 21st Dec Walking with you Group  10am -12pm                                            Strategy Group  to be arranged

WED 11th Dec  7.30pm  All Singers Great and Small  CHRISTMAS CONCERT- tickets £5 

  • Carols by Candlelight service Christmas Eve followed by  light refreshments 4.30pm
  • Christmas Party (all ages)  with games and activities, songs and “bring and share” lunch. Do join us  Saturday 7th Dec 11am – 2pm

Next Church Meeting SUNDAY 19th January 2025   Please make a note of the day and try your best to be there.

Our Pastoral Leader will be on annual leave from 26th December to 1st January 2025 (inclusive)


Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing


Wishing everyone a peaceful and healthy Christmas season        with every blessing for the New Year


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