There are 11 photo albums.
Various (8 photos)
Various pictures of various Church activities, scenes, regular pictures used for social media and other randoms.
new noticeboard (1 photos)
new noticeboard
LBC sanctuary and flowers (4 photos)
LBC sanctuary and flowers
Queen's 90th Birthday lunch (4 photos)
faith lunch and quiz
Christmas (1 photos)
kids art at Sunday School (9 photos)
kids art
puppets (4 photos)
harvest gifts 2015 (2 photos)
harvest gifts 2015
Atherton and Leigh Foodbank (10 photos)
Photos of the volunteers and coordinators who make it all happen each Thursday at Leigh Baptist Church from 10am-12am
Messy Church (8 photos)
Photos of activities and games from messy church.
Community week photos (11 photos)
We recently had a community week based at the church with various activities over the seven days these are just some of the photos