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Messenger newsletter APRIL




Website :  Contact:

  Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

  email :  TEL  07817142192

  Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page     




Sun 7th April    10.45am    Worship service  Val Hulme

Sun 14th April  10.45am  Open Service

Sun 21st April  10.45am  Sunday Bible Study

Sun 28th April  10.45am  Communion  Service Rev’d N Brighton

*please be prompt so you hear the announcements and the theme of service*


Sat 6th April  10am-12pm  Chat’n’a’ Brew

Wednesdays  10am -11am  Prayer Meeting  (drinks at 9.45am)

Wed 10th April  11.15am  Deacons’ meeting

Thu 18th April  1pm-3.30pm  Coffee+

Saturdays  13th ,20, 27th April  10am-12.  Walking with You Group


Other Users of building:

Wednesdays   7.30pm -9pm All Singers Great & Small Community Choir

Thursdays  10am-12  Atherton and Leigh Foodbank

Thu 11th April  7.30pm-10  AGLOW

Fri 26th April  12.30pm-4  Pensioners Link Poetry Competition




Please continue to pray for Leigh Baptist Church and in particular how we structure our children’s and young people’s work, and for more people to volunteer to help with this.






“  Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing

 a new thing!” Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV


God has done new things ever since He created the heavens and the earth, everything

in it and finally,  Adam and Eve. As the number of people on the Earth grew they

ignored their maker and refused to honour Him.

 He therefore decided to flood the whole earth, but instructed Noah to build the Ark to

save him, his family and  two each of all living creatures for a new beginning. After the

Children of Israel had been rescued by Moses from slavery in Egypt and led through

 the Wilderness they started a new life in the Promised Land of Canaan. But the new

thing that affected us was Jesus, God’s Son, coming to Earth to  carry out His Father’s

 plan for reconciling to Himself His people who were continually turning away from

Him. Although the Children of Israel were His chosen people He enabled the Gentiles

to be included. Even Jesus’ Disciples only preached to the Jewish people at first, but

 Peter was to learn something new.


Acts 10 tells about a Centurion named Cornelius living in Caesarea. He and all his

family were devout  and God-fearing, gave to the needy and prayed regularly to God.  

One day he had a vision of an angel who told him to send men to Joppa to bring a man

called Simon, known as Peter, to his house. The next day, as the men he sent were

approaching Joppa, Peter was on his rooftop praying and was feeling hungry when

he had a vision of a sheet being let down from Heaven to earth with all kinds of animals,

reptiles and birds on it. A voice said, “Get up, Peter, kill and eat.” Peter replied that he

had never eaten anything unclean, but was told by God not to call anything impure that

 God had made. All this happened three times then the sheet was taken back up to

Heaven. While Peter was puzzling over what he had seen, the men from

Cornelius arrived at his house. God’s Spirit told Peter to go downstairs and to go with

them because “I have  sent them.” After he had heard them tell of Cornelius’ vision,

Peter invited them to stay and the next day they all set off, accompanied by some of

‘the brethren’, and arrived in Caesarea a day later.


Cornelius had gathered together some of his relatives and close friends. When Peter

 entered the room he found a large gathering. He began to speak to them, reminding

 them that it was against the Jewish law for a Jew to ‘associate with a Gentile’, or visit

 him. But, he said, “God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean,

 so when I was sent for I did not raise any objection.” He asked why they had sent for

him. Cornelius then told him about his vision of an angel and continued, “Now we are

all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to

tell us.” Peter told of how they had been witnesses of all that had happened in Judea,


in Galilee with the anointing

of Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit after He was baptised in the River Jordan

 by John the Baptist.


He went on to tell them of Jesus’ death on the cross and of His resurrection and how

He was seen by those of us who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead.

Peter went on to tell how Jesus  had said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel

to every creature.” (Mark 16:15),

and said how all the prophets testify about Him that “everyone who believes in Him

receives forgiveness of sins through His Name.” As Peter spoke, the Holy Spirit came

 on all who heard the message.


 The   circumcised believers, who had come with Peter, were astonished that even

the Gentiles had been anointed by the Holy Spirit, and were speaking in tongues and

praising God as they had done on the Day of Pentecost. Peter ordered them to be

baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who had also said in Mark 16:16,

“He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be



When the apostles and brothers throughout Judea heard that Peter had been in a house

with uncircumcised  people they criticised him, but when Peter explained everything

that had happened they no longer objected,

but praised God and said, “God has even granted the Gentiles repentance unto life.”

 (Acts 11:18).

Because of this the Gospel has spread all over the world and continues to lead men,

 women and children  to turn to Jesus in repentance and faith. There are many stories

these days of people having visions of  Jesus and so believing in Him. It is good to see

new things happening in many churches in this country, including our own.

May all this strengthen our faith and our witness to other people. In  2 Peter 3:9

Peter says that God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to

repentance. May our  eyes be open to every new thing that God is doing in our lives

 as well as in our churches and may we be prepared to ‘trust and obey’ Him.


Kathie.  Quotes from NIV. 
















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