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Messenger newsletter JUNE 2024





Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off Tuesdays and Fridays)

email :         TEL  07817142192

Check LBC website for updates and infoalso LBC FACEBOOK page


Small Things and Spiritual Insight.


   A recent reading in Word for Today was based on 2 Kings 6:6 which tells how the prophet Elisha, with God’s help, retrieved a lost small axe head from a river. This showed that ‘nothing is too small’ for God to be concerned about; no prayer is too insignificant for God to answer; no person, whatever their age or situation, is too lowly for God to reveal Himself to them, or to call them to serve Him in a task either large or small. Most people have heard about David and Goliath. 1 Samuel 17 tells us that no-one in the Israelite army dared to fight against the Philistine giant, Goliath. One day David, who was too young to be in the army, was visiting his brothers in the Israelite camp when Goliath challenged the Israelites to choose one soldier to fight him. None of them would face the giant. Then David said that with God’s help he could kill Goliath, just as he had killed bears and other wild animals to protect his sheep out on the hills. Eventually he was allowed to face Goliath. What did he use? a sling and a stone! One shot and he hit the giant in the forehead and “the giant came tumbling down”, as the chorus says. God uses small things, together with the people who are prepared to trust Him to give them the expertise needed for a particular situation. Is God calling any of us to do something specific for Him at this time?


   After the miracle of the axe head, 2 Kings 6:8-17 tells that the king of Syria (Aram in the NIV) was at war with Israel. He discussed his strategy with his officers and said where he would set up camp. But God revealed the King of Syria’s plans to Elisha, so that time and again he could warn the king of Israel not to go to certain areas because the Syrian army would be there. When the King of Syria heard that Elisha, the prophet in Israel, was telling the King of Israel “the very words he spoke in his bedroom”, he ordered the capture of Elisha and sent horses and chariots to surround the city of Dothan where Elisha was. Elisha’s servant was very alarmed when he saw them, but Elisha said, “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” He then prayed to God, “Open his eyes that he may see.” When the servant looked around he ‘saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.’ God then answered another prayer from Elisha to strike with blindness the approaching army whom he then told to follow him and he would lead them to the man they were looking for. He led them to Samaria. The King of Israel wanted to kill them, but Elisha said they had to be given food, so a great feast was set before them, after which they were sent back to ‘their master’. The Syrians stopped raiding Israel’s territory. God honoured Elisha’s complete trust in Him and saved not only Elisha, but all of Israel, and without bloodshed. Elisha’s prayer to God for his servant’s eyes to be opened had resulted in the servant seeing that God’s invisible army was all around them. There were indeed more with Elisha than with the enemy.

    I have heard of Christians, including myself, who have had similar experiences, such as someone advancing towards them a few times, each time suddenly stopping as if being stopped by something or someone from getting any nearer. God does protect His people with His unseen helpers. Are we aware of times when God has protected us, or have our spiritual eyes remained closed so that we have not noticed God’s hand in a situation?

   The Scripture Union’s prayer in its Bible reading notes is Psalm119:18, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” We can so easily read a passage of scripture without understanding or noticing what it is saying to us. We need to ‘open our eyes’ so as not to miss an important lesson. May we always be aware of what God is saying to us, and of how He is helping us; and pray in the words of a hymn, “Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me.” MP 544.     


Kathie.                                                                                               Quotes NIV.



Sun 2nd  June      10.45am              Worship service with Church & Congregation meeting with Revd Neil Brighton

Sun 9th  June       10.45am    Open Service

Sun 16th June       10:45am     Sunday Bible Study    Revd Neil Brighton

Sun 23rd June     10.45am    Communion  Service      Val Hulme

Sun 30th June     10.45am    Open Service


Saturday 2nd June         Chat’n’a Brew /Big Lunch

Monday     (?)               7:00 – 8:30pm   Music Group To be confirmed

Tuesdays                      4:00 -  6:00pm   Guitar Group

Wednesdays            10:00am -11:00am  Prayer Meeting  (drinks at 9.45am)

Wednesday19th June 4.00pm        Deacons’ meeting (zoom)

Thursday 20th June    1:00pm-3.30pm       Coffee+

Thursday 27th June    1:15pm  Strategy Group

Saturday 22nd  June   10:00am-12:30pm  “Walking with You” Group


Other Users of building:

Sun 2nd June            3.30pm-9.30pm        Ebenezer Fellowship (including Baptism)

Fri 7th June              12.30pm- 3.30pm     Pensioners Link

Mon 10th & Fri 14th June       10am-4pm  Foodbank interviews

Mon 24th June           1pm    World Day of Prayer Committee

Tuesdays                  1:15pm – 3:00pm  Private Support Group

Wednesdays            7.30pm -9:00pm All Singers Great & Small Community Choir

Thursdays               10:00am-12:00pm    Atherton and Leigh Foodbank

Thursday 13th June    7.30pm-10:00pm      AGLOW



Please continue to pray for Leigh Baptist Church and in particular how we structure our children’s and young people’s work, and for more people to volunteer to help with this.


On Saturday 1st June, we will be combining our Chat ‘n’ a Brew with the Big Lunch. Starting at 10:00am with drinks and chat, we will have games and activities from 11:00, followed by a Bring and Share lunch at 12:30pm.  Come along for all of it, or if you are time limited, come when you can. Please invite your friends and relatives to share this time with us.


Please be punctual for all our meetings so that you gain the most and don’t miss out on key information /notices  etc.  and also feel free to stay behind afterwards for drinks and fellowship

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