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Messenger newsletter SEPTEMBER




Website  Contact:

Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off Tuesdays and Fridays)

email :  TEL  07817142192

Check LBC website for updates and info  also LBC FACEBOOK page 


God’s Promises 

  Some years ago the title song for a Holiday Club theme was ‘Jesus Lord of Promises’. As I thought of it recently it made me think of how God always keeps His promises, The whole Bible is full of promises that have been fulfilled and of those about the future.


  A well-known one is found in Genesis 8:21-22 after the flood which had destroyed everything and everybody except those in the Ark with Noah. God said, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” He went on to say that never again would there be a flood to destroy the earth, then He set His rainbow in the cloud as a sign of His covenant between Himself and the earth.(Genesis 9:12&13). Despite changes in the climate, the seasons still come along each year and the rainbow sometimes appears in the sky after heavy rain.


  Genesis 12 tells about Abram, who later became Abraham, being told by God to leave his home and go to another country which God had chosen for him and his descendents. At the age of 75 he left his home in Haran with his wife, Sarai and his nephew Lot to go to the land of Canaan. Abram and Sarai had no children, but in chapter 15 we read that God again spoke to Abram and made a covenant with him, saying that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars. In chapter 17 we read that when he was 99 years old God made a covenant with him, saying, “Your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations, ---- and kings will come from you.” “The whole land of Canaan I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendents.” In verse15 we read that Sarai’s name was to change to Sarah for God would bless her and make her the mother of nations. God’s promise began to be fulfilled when their son Isaac was born to Sarah and Abraham in their old age.


  1Samuel 16 records how the prophet Samuel was told by God to go to the house of Jesse and anoint as King one of his sons to succeed King Saul. After seven of Jesse’s sons had been seen by Samuel, the youngest son, David was sent for from minding the sheep. When he came before Samuel, God told him to anoint that son as King. Saul continued to reign until his death, then David succeeded him as God had said he would.


  Many promises are made in the Psalms of how God is always with us to help us, as in Psalm 18:2 NKJV when David said,’ The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.’ He knew that the words we read of in Joshua 1:9 were true, “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” In Matthew 28: 20, Jesus told His disciples, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” This is a promise that all who know Jesus as Lord of their lives know to be true because of the help they receive from the Lord in many instances in their lives and the peace that we feel in our hearts at difficult times. Jesus promised his peace to us in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.” In the same chapter we read how He promised His Disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit of truth to dwell in those who love Him and obey His commands. That still applies today in the lives of those who trust Him.


  As we see those promises that have been fulfilled, we know that those which tell us that Jesus will come for His followers will also be fulfilled. 1Thessalonians 4: 13-18 says that they will rise up from the graves and from the Earth to meet Him in the sky.  Also we can believe all the prophecies about the end times that are found in the books of Daniel and Revelation.


  Let us give thanks to God for the promises in His word and always be ready and alert for when Jesus comes, or calls us home.   Kathie    Quotes are from NIV and NKJV    



Sun 1st  SEPT  10.45am      Worship service  Revd Neil Brighton

Sun 8th  SEPT  10.45am    Open Service

Sun 15th  SEPT   10:45am      Church & Congregation Meeting  Revd N Brighton 

Sun 22nd SEPT    10.45am    Communion  Service & Dedication *  Val Hulme

Sun 29th  Sept  10.45am  Worship Service  Val Hulme

Sun 6th  OCT  10.45am  HARVEST service  followed by “BRING and SHARE” lunch


Wednesdays   10-11am  prayer meeting  (coffee and chat from 9.45am)

Wednesday 18th Sept  Deacons’ meeting  time 11.15am .

Thursday 19th Sept  1pm -3.30pm Coffee+

Strategy Group  - date T.B.C.

Saturday 28th Sept  10:00am-12:30pm  Walking with You Group

Wed 2nd OCT  7.30pm  CONCERT by  All Singers Great and Small. Tickets £5 please come & invite others

  • 22nd Sept Dedication of Sophia, daughter of Alex and Betty. We celebrate with the family during the service.

Other Users of building:

Tue 3rd Sept     11.30am-2.15pm   Ladies Luncheon Club

Tue 10th,17th & 24th Sept  1.15pm – 3pm  Private Support Group

Thursday 8th  Aug     7.30pm-10:00pm  AGLOW


NEXT CHURCH MEETING  SUNDAY 15th SEPTEMBER – following Sunday Bible Study. Please make a note of this date. There are important decisions to be made at this meeting. Please make sure you  attend. If you have not seen the information handout on the NWBA’s Onesimus project please ask Val or Jean for a copy.


HARVEST Service and LUNCH.  As is our custom please bring items for the Foodbank  ( tinned fruit/meats/veg/ instant mash/toiletries/nappies/pet food). The gift offering will be given to OPERATION AGRI and BMS Harvest Appeal. Please bring food to share  (from all  around the world!) for the lunch afterwards.


2 Church WHATSAPP groups have been set up. One for “encouragement and updates” and the second for “Practical help at church”.  Please allow Val to add your telephone number to one or both groups. There is no obligation to reply/respond, but it would help our small fellowship to keep in touch with each other, and offer support where requested.


Our Pastoral Leader will be on annual leave from Thursday 5th Sept to Tuesday 10th Sept inclusive.



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