M e s s e n g e r
Website :www.leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Contact: admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
JUNE 2018
The following friends will lead services
Sun 3rd June10.45am Rev David
Whitehall (St Helens)
Sun 10th10.45am Mr Roy Teague
( Rochdale)
Sun 17th10.45am TBA lunch
service12.30pm TBA
Sun 24th10.45am (communion) Rev Mike
Sun July 1st 10.45am Mr Ian Hunter
(Tyldesley) 1pm VISION meeting – bring
your own butties
FLOWER DONORS We are grateful to all donors. Please
advise if you would prefer to stand-down from the list.
June 3rd K and J Smith
It has been a great concern for us all to hear of Jean
S’ recent health difficulties and we sincerely hope
and pray that now she is home (with care support)
she will begin to feel stronger and more content. We
pray also for Ken who is so involved in her 24 hour
It was good to see Olwen M at our Songs of Praise
service. She remains positive in Lyndhurst Care
Lovely to have shared Deborah and Randy’s new
baby’s Dedication on our Anniversary Sunday with
family and friends.
We were sorry to learn that Mrs Dorothy Horrocks
passed away recently and our Moderator will lead
her funeral on Tue June 12th around 11.15am
DATES FOR DIARY: including Regular Meetings –
Friday June 1st Coffee & Craft 10am-12 £3
Saturday June 9th Coffee Morning; 10.30am
to 12pm NB 2nd Saturdays from now on
“VISION MEETING” Sun July1st 12.30pm
bring your own butties.
Regular Tuesdays 11.15am Prayer Meeting **
HOWEVER these will not take place on 5th or
12th June due to special circumstances
Advance Notice – Church and Congregation
meeting Sunday 5th Aug 12.30pm Bring your own
At the AGM meeting in OCT/NOV we will be
looking to appoint/reappoint deacons. All 3
current deacons are coming to the end of
their terms of office, It is not yet clear
whether all will stand for re-election or not.
In any case 3 is the bare minimum, so we
would like to appoint more deacons. WE
NOW, and seeking God’s direction as to who
we should be calling to serve Him in this
important way. Our rules state that deacons
must be over 18 and have been a church
member for 1 year. There is a process to
follow for making nominations which Val will
explain nearer the time.
We are currently without the services of a paid cleaner.
Please bear this in mind if you see a job that needs doing
– every little helps. Thanks to those who help frequently.
Also please think of anyone reliable and professional to
take on these duties for us.
GDPR new rules- Though it is probably overworrying
about something aimed at commercial
companies – we do need to make sure we look after
your personal details we hold and share. So you may
notice a change in Messenger editorial style –
especially for the LBC Web page and you may be asked
for your consent at some stage soon.
Apologies for late publication of Messenger this
month due to multiple IT problems!