M e s s e n g e r
Website : www.leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Contact: admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
The following friends will lead services in October
October 7th 10.45am Harvest – Operation Agri led by Val Hulme (Pastoral Leader)
Oct 14th 10.45am Mr Bill Robinson (Abram)
Oct 21st 10.45am Mr Jim Cheers 12.30pm FAITH LUNCH and harvest quiz by John M
Oct 28th 10.45am (Communion) Mrs Val Hulme
Coffee Morning Oct 13th 10.30 am to 12 noon.
Coffee and crafts: Friday 5th Oct and NOV 2nd 10am -12 £3
Prayer Meetings Tuesdays at 11.15am
Deacons Meeting t.b.a.
NMBM Prayer and Praise Meeting OCT 10th 7.30pm Rochdale.
Church and Congregation Meeting and AGM Sunday 4th NOVEMBER 12.30pm Bring your own butty. Church meetings are where important decisions in the Fellowship’s life are discussed and Church officers are elected. Your contribution and attendance is important.
FLOWER DONORS, Oct 7th Mr and Mrs G Jones Oct 14th vacancy Oct 21st and 28th vacancy Nov 4th Mrs L Ackers
We share our concerns for Hilda H and her family. Hilda has undergone tests in hospital and will need full time care on discharge. Pray for Hilda and her family.
Ken S would like to thank everyone for cards and condolences on the loss of his dear wife Jean. Our Moderator conducted her funeral in September.
Susan and Glyn J have recently celebrated a RUBY WEDDING and we send them our warmest congratulations.
Olwen M remains positive and appreciative in Lyndhurst Care Home where she is now a permanent resident. Visitors always welcomed.
We congratulate Viv H on her “significant” Birthday in September! God Bless.
A Reminder that the Harvest gifts for Harvest Sunday can be non-perishable food items for the FOODBANK or cash donations to Operation Agri and BMS
NEW PASTORAL LEADER post. By the time of this publication Val Hulme will have been commissioned and welcomed into the new role of part-time Pastoral Leader at LBC. There are a consequent number of “vacancies” in several areas of church life and work and though “the
labourers are few” the fellowship is asked to pray about this and also step up to share the burdens for duties and responsibilities including Deacons
Last November’s “Unlocking the Potential” conference looked at the difficulties faced by small churches within the NWBA. All the people who attended had several things in common, besides a love of Christ - a desire to reach their communities with the Gospel; a desire to see their church develop and grow, but also the knowledge that we couldn’t afford traditional ministry and human resources were scarce. We were challenged to look at a variety of ideas including how we could use the gifts of those within the church in the absence of a minister. Finally, we were asked to write down what we were going to do next. I wrote that I needed to pray for guidance as to where God was leading us as a church, and specifically, where he was leading me. 10 months later, I have been appointed as the Pastoral Leader of our church.
As Rev. McDade pointed out, it is a role that will develop over time. It is a part-time role, officially 3 days, but the days may vary. Twice a month I will lead worship and preach. Once a month, I will be attending The Hub in Warrington, (for training, support and encouragement) alongside others who are fulfilling the same role within their own church. I am also booked on a Bereavement Counselling course, spread over 6 Monday evenings from September – November and an Intergenerational Church workshop in November. One of the areas that we have struggled to cover since our previous minister left, is that of pastoral visiting. This is something that I would like to include each week, where time allows. I would also like to look at the possibility of visiting members who live in care homes, or are housebased and celebrating communion with them. Interestingly, there was an article in this month’s Baptist Times about a retired head teacher who was called to lead a Baptist church in Leicestershire. The lessons that they learned are lessons that we will need to learn – to depend on God for Kingdom growth, to seek God’s willfor His church by praying and seeking His vision, that sometimes God does things differently to our ideas and that God’s timing is perfect. We will all need to work together, pray together, listen to God’s prompting and share ideas if we are to become the church
that God wants us to be. It’s an exciting time, a little daunting, but I’m looking forward to sharing
this step with you and curious to know where God will lead us. Yours in Christ, VAL
​ As part of our new thinking about “MISSION” we have spoken at Church VISION Meetings about smarter and better communication with a wider audience and recognised that Social Media is a good tool for this (and a Poor Master). So firstly can we encourage all those who can to “like” and “Follow” Leigh Baptist Church on FACEBOOK and “share” posts. Angie is doing a brilliant job of exploiting the possibilities here and we simply don’t know how far the message can be spread in this way. Please check that you “like” LBC and not Leigh Road Baptist church which is an entirely different fellowship in LEIGH ON SEA!
Those who are very “hip” and “with it” will recognise that this other symbols are INSTAGRAM and TWITTER - it is possible to “Follow” LBC via this medium.You can also contact us via TWITTER. Ask Angie for more instructions!
“knock and the door will be opened” --the well known bible quote took on a new meaning in September when our church door handle and finger plate were “removed” by unknown persons! For a few weeks we have had to struggle without it and rely on Val to open up throughout the week for ourselves and other building users. This has been a great inconvenience for her and we are grateful to Val for being literally a “door keeper to the House of the Lord”
We are once more supporting this charity for needy children abroad –please see leaflets in foyer for explanation and instructions – Can you donate a complete filled shoe box or separate items to be combined? Gifts of money are also welcome for bought items or transportation costs. Last date for bringing in will be OCT 28th.
For NOVEMBER issue please submit by Mon Oct 22nd admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk