M e s s e n g e r
August 2018
The following friends will lead services
August 5th 10.45am Rev Peter Wightman (Bolton)
12.30pm Church Meeting - bring own butties
AUG 12th 10.45am Mrs K. Williams
19th August 10.45am Val and Angie 12.30pm Lunch Service
Aug 26th (Communion) Mr. Colin Owen (Heywood)
Sept. 2nd Mr. Clive Rotherham (Heywood)
DATES FOR DIARY: including Regular Meetings –
Tuesdays, in August 11.15am Prayer Meetings
Friday August 3rd Coffee & Craft 10am - 12 noon £3
August 11th Coffee Morning 10.30am - 12 noon
August 5th vacant
August 12th Mrs K Williams
August 19th R&D Allen IMO Pat Rogers
August 26th I M O Mrs Novak
Ken and Jean S. Their situation has been very difficult and Ken is now home though Jean remains in care (in Poolstock Wigan). We do ask for your continued prayer support for them.
We do once more need to lovingly ask everyone to contribute to a period of “stillness” and quiet in church before the service starts to allow us to draw near to God in quiet anticipation.
At the AGM in October we will be looking to appoint/reappoint deacons. All 3 current deacons are coming to the end of their terms of duty.
In any case 3 is the bare minimum, so we would like to
WE NEED TO BE PRAYING ABOUT THIS NOW and seeking God’s direction and leading. Our rules state that Deacons must be over 18 and
Have been a church member for 1 year or more.
There is a process to follow for
making nominations which Val will explain nearer the time.
BAPTISM it was great to see Irene go through the waters of Believer’s Baptism along with Iranian friends from Kirkhall Lane. We wish her every blessing for her new life.
New Member –we look forward to welcoming Angie into membership at the next suitable communion service. A big “thank you” for all her creative work on Facebook for the church.
Leigh Fun Run – Aug 12th – we have been given details of road closures and a letter for car drivers to show to stewards. Hopefully things will run more smoothly this year (pun intended!)
VISION meeting. 9 friends were present for the lunchtime discussion – our Moderator had to send Apologies. We recognised ever lower numbers and that other Denominations might have pushed for closure by now. There have been new “walk in” visitors – and this could be influenced by the accessibility of the building or the Baptist “Brand”. Whilst we could “work harder” and “evangelise smarter” we felt we need to do more of is pray for a miracle. Some teaching and guidance is planned on PRAYER.
All Material for next Messenger by August 19th please