M e s s e n g e r
Website : www.leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Contact: admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
The following friends will lead services in December
Dec 2nd 10.45am Advent Sunday – Rev Graham Lindley
Dec 9th 10.45am Mrs Val Hulme
Dec 16th 10.45am Christmas time Service with PUPPETS 12.30pm Special LUNCH and carols.
*Please select your favourite carols and put on list in foyer*
Dec 23rd 10.45am (Communion) Mrs Val Hulme
** Dec 24th 6.30pm Christmas Eve Carols by Candlelight followed by tea/coffee and mince pies.
Dec 30th 10.45am Mrs K Williams
Pastoral Leader’s Letter:
As I was thinking about items for this month’s Messenger, the Christmas TV adverts have started coming thick and fast. Where has the time gone since last Christmas? It seems to fly by so quickly. I’m reminded of some of the words in the song, “I hope you dance”, that Ronan Keating sang: Time is a wheel in constant motion, always rolling us along, tell me, who wants to look back on their years and wonder, where those years have gone? The feeling
that we are being swept away, that time is rushing by too quickly, can be very strong at this time of year. Adverts encourage us to start preparing for Christmas from early November. Have we got our Christmas cards? The turkey? The trimmings? Crackers? Presents? Extras and yet more extras? The tide of commercialism seems relentless. Yes, it’s lovely to spend time with family and friends at Christmas, and to give them presents. However, we need to remember who is at the centre of Christmas – Christ. Otherwise we may just as well call it Xmas. During the season of Advent, a time of preparation, let’s make time to prepare ourselves for Christmas, by setting aside some time to spend reading the Bible, reminding ourselves not only to prepare our hearts to celebrate Christ’s birth, but to prepare ourselves for His second coming. Let’s not look back and regret not spending time with God. VAL
Saturday 1st December Hope out Loud (Churches in Leigh) carol singing. 12:-00 – 1:00 (Near TSB)
Tuesdays Dec 4th, 11th, 18th Prayer Meetings 11.15am
Thursdays Dec 6th, 13th, 20th Advent Bible Studies 7.30pm
Friday Dec 7th Coffee and Craft 10am - 12noon £3
Saturday Dec 8th Coffee Morning 10.30am - 12noon
FLOWER DONORS Dec 2nd Jean Donagain IMO Stephen and Eileen Dec 9th K Morton and D Allen Dec 16th IMO Mrs Novak Dec 23rd Ken Smith
BMS Birthdays; Dec 28th Joanne Morton
We remember the family of Doris Clarkson, who attended our church with her sister for many years before becoming ill, and needing residential care. Her funeral was in church and the service taken by Val Hulme. We continue to ask you to pray for Hilda Hill and Joanne Morton.
Congratulations to Richard and Chantelle Allen on the birth of Willow Joan on 30th October and to grandparents, Rob and Diane.
Congratulations to Scott and Rebecca Howcroft on the birth of Elliot George on 18th November, and to Kath, on becoming a grandma.
We pray for God’s blessing on both families.
On Christmas Day we often sing the Christmas Hymn, Joy to the world, the Lord has come. What is it that we are celebrating on Christmas morning?
Firstly, we celebrate God’s faithfulness; the Messiah is promised through all of the Old Testament from the book of Genesis to the words of the Prophet Malachi.
It is a great testament to God’s faithfulness that he fulfilled his long-term promise of sending the Messiah, by giving us his only eternal Son, incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth.
Next we remember God’s perfect thoughtfulness. When we seek and search out a Christmas gift for someone, it can take a lot of thought and effort to find the appropriate item. God is thoughtful and kind to humanity by choosing the most appropriate gift of all. He chooses his precious Son to be our perfect Saviour, the only one who can forgive our sins and give us the hope of resurrection life. No other being could do that for us; only God the Son Incarnate in Christ was equipped to fulfil this task for us. We rejoice in God’s perfect thoughtfulness.
Next, God is persistent in his love for us. When we reject that love and go our own way or cave into temptation, he seeks us out again and again until we turn towards him and seek the restored relationship with him that deep down we crave.
Lastly, God is generous in his grace for us. So often we think of Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross as the ultimate expression of God’s grace towards us. Yet if God had not given us the gift of his incarnate Son, there would have been no Cross.
AGM update
Jean Donagain was elected, and Kathie Williams re-elected, as deacons to start/continue in January. There were no proposed additions to the Finance or Secretary teams at the AGM. Since the meeting, Jean D has agreed to become Minutes Secretary, and John M. Correspondence Secretary, starting in January. Angie S. has agreed to take over the bookkeeping etc. From Kathie Williams and Val Hulme who were doing this, starting in January. Following recent wilful damage it was agreed to have CCTV installed. Most of the sound system is ok, although we need to replace some microphones. Will also look at having ceiling mounted projectors Vision Meeting: Sunday January 27th 12:30 pm. Bring your own lunch Date of next Church and Congregation Meeting: Sunday February 10th 12:30 pm. Bring your own lunch.
WISHING ALL OUR FRIENDS AND THE WIDER COMMUNITY A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TIME. For JANUARY issue please submit by Dec 16th please admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk