Website : www.leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Contact: admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Pastoral leader: Mrs Val Hulme
JUNE 2019
JUNE 2nd 10.45am Mrs Val Hulme
JUNE 9th (Whit Sunday) 10.45am Rev Graham Lindley
JUNE 16th 10.45am Mrs Val Hulme. Joint Baptismal service with Kirkhall Lane IM church. 12.30pm Joint Faith Lunch (no service)
JUNE 23rd 10.45am T.B.A. (COMMUNION)
JUNE 30th 10.45am Mr Ian Hunter (Tyldesley)
Bible study. Tue 4th June. Lunch at 1pm. Study at 1.30pm. let Jean know if you can attend for lunch.
Coffee and Craft 7th June 10am-12pm £3
Prayer Meetings Tuesdays 4,11,18 and 25th June @ 11.15am
Sat June 8th COFFEE MORNING 10.30am -12noon
Deacons Meeting Mon 24th June 7.30pm
Advance Notice. All Singers Greatl and Small Choir concert at LBC on Fri Oct 25th. 7.30pm
FLOWER DONORS, - please swap with someone if you wish to change the date.
June 2nd Ken S June 9th Kath H
June 30th Mrs A July 7th Mrs K W
We are thrilled for Jean D. that she has Sarah over from New Zealand for a short visit. We imagine the house is rarely silent!
It was lovely to see Olwen M. at the faith lunch and songs of praise at the Anniversary weekend and hope she enjoyed the visit. Thanks to John for transporting her.
We have missed Edna M from fellowship and hope she quickly recovers from her operation
How wonderful that Giuilia (from Romania) has actively sought out her believer’s baptism with Val and has begun classes.
It was sad to learn that John Leigh had died recently, after a fall. He was able to worship with us for a few years before his health failed. He had an affable character, a healthy appetite and a challenging curiosity on biblical matters. Our condolences to his son John.
CHURCH MEETING “snippets” from 12 May:
Could everyone complete and return the “GIFTS” questionnaire to Val please.
We have had more requests for Baptism and this special service is planned for JUNE 16th followed by Faith Lunch.
We have been invited to WIGAN Baptist Church to hear the Revd Lynn Green ( B.U. Gen Secretary) and in an unusual move we plan to not hold a service at LBC on 15th September and instead use our cars to transport all who are able to Wigan for the morning service. More details to follow.
Another change from the norm is a decision to change the time of the morning service on Remembrance Sunday in November to allow members to attend the cenotaph (and parade). A shorter service will follow at LBC with drinks served at 11.15am then service at 11.30am.
Next church meeting is planned for Sunday 18th Aug at 12.30pm combined with a faith lunch. (in lieu of lunch service)
An application for church membership from David W was unanimously accepted and welcomed ***************************************
Anyone who has attended Church meetings over the last two years will know all too well that L.B.C. has a “sub-optimal” number of Deacons, workers and regular helpers. There is so much that needs to be done, some regularly some occasionally. Val’s purpose in using the GIFTS questionnaires is to help highlight and suggest what each of us can do, according to our gifts, for God’s service
I have been praying, seeking God, and going back to the Bible for some answers. I wanted to see what saying yes looks like. Does that make sense?
So I started by making a list of all the ordinary, flawed, messed up, scared, and insecure people in the Bible who said yes to God not knowing what it would mean for their lives.
Noah said YES when God asked him to build the ark.
Abraham said YES when God asked him to sacrifice his only son.
Joseph said YES when God asked him to forgive his brothers who beat and sold him into slavery.
Moses said YES when God told him to go to Pharaoh and ask him to let the Israelites go.
Rahab said yes when asked to hide the Israelite spies and risk her own life and the lives of her family.
David said YES when God asked him to fight the giant Goliath with only a slingshot and a few stones.
Esther said YES when Mordecai told her to go to the king to save her people.
Daniel said YES when God told him not to bow down and worship other idols.
Mary said YES when the angel told her she would carry God’s son, Jesus.
The disciples said YES when Jesus asked them to leave everything behind and follow him.
Paul said YES when God asked him to deliver the good news of Jesus to the Gentiles.
NEXT MONTH: Rev Ken Shedenhelm writes on “What keeps some people from answering God's call?
For combined July/August joint issue please submit by JUNE 23rd