Website : www.leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Contact: admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Days Off Wed and Fridays) email : pastoral.leader@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk 07817142192
I hope that you are all keeping well, staying safe and for those of you not still working, finding things to keep you occupied. We have to be thankful that this pandemic is happening at a time when we have the facilities to keep connected. Whether it is via our phones, mobiles, TVs, You Tube, social media and other internet connections, we can keep in touch with one another and access both news updates and church services, all from the comfort of our homes. We don’t know when this period of lockdown will end, but I urge you to spend time praying and reading the Bible during this enforced time of isolation. The closer we are to God, the more we will feel His peace and comfort – our calm in the storm. I have been disturbed over the last couple of days to see news reports, particularly from America, showing people protesting against lockdown and showing total disregard for any social distancing measures. There were even wagons with Jesus Saves painted on the side and slogans saying, “We are covered by the blood of the Lamb.” Now I’m not denying that, but I would say that God has also given us common sense – we wouldn’t cross a road without looking both ways first, because we know that we are likely to get knocked down. So why should we ignore expert advice on how to look after ourselves, and others, during this pandemic. In the book of Exodus, we read how the Israelites were told that the Lord was going to kill all the Egyptian first - born males, both human and animal, but would spare the Israelites. They had to put the blood of the lamb they had killed to eat on the door post as a sign, so that God would pass over them and not harm them. Moses also gave them another instruction, “Take a sprig of hyssop, dip it in the bowl containing the animal’s blood and wipe the blood on the doorposts and beam above the door of your house.Not one of you is to leave the house until morning.” Exodus12: 22 Anyone who disobeyed was no longer “covered by the blood of the lamb”. I’m also reminded of the story of Naaman, in 2 Kings 5. He suffered from a dreaded skin disease. The prophet Elisha told him to wash himself seven times in the River Jordan and then he would be cured. He was indignant and refused. However, his servants encouraged him to follow these instructions, saying that if he’d been asked to do something difficult he would have done it, so why not do something as simple as washing himself in the Jordan? He did, and was cured. I might be stretching a point here, but all we are being asked to do is stay at home, where possible, wash our hands and respect others by socially distancing when we have to go out. God has given us instructions to follow, Titus 3: 1; “Remind your people to submit to rulers and authorities, to obey them and be ready to do good in every way.” It is frustrating having our freedom restricted, but I’m sure that none of you will take your frustrations to the lengths that some in America have. I have seen various posts on Facebook encouraging us to look for the positives, instead of the negatives. So: My friends and I can’t see each other becomes ‘My friends and I are protecting each other’. I’m stuck at home becomes ‘I’m safe at home’. I have lost all my freedom becomes ‘I have relinquished my freedom for a noble purpose’. I miss the things I love becomes ‘I’m increasing my gratitude for the things I love’. Keep well and stay safe. VAL As well as praying for an end to the pandemic and protection for our Frontline staff, could we also remember those from our church who are not able to work from home. Pray God’s peace and protection over them as they continue to work away from the safety of their homes. VAL
We also note with best wishes that EDNA M starts her well-earned retirement and we hope it will be a long, happy and healthy one. Check LBC website for updates and info