M e s s e n g e r
Website : www.leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Contact: admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Pastoral leader: Mrs Val Hulme
The following friends will lead services in November
Nov 3rd 10.45am Mr Eric Bushell (Radcliffe)
Nov 10th 10.30am/11am- Remembrance Sunday Service at Cenotaph. Short service at LBC 11.30am led by Val Hulme.
Nov 17th 10.45am Mrs Val Hulme then 12.30pm Faith Lunch and CHURCH MEETING –for election of officers
Nov 24th 10.45am (Communion) Mr Alan Crozier (Glazebury Methodist Church)
Coffee and crafts: Friday Nov 1st 10am -12 £3
Please listen to notices for the date for last day for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes and donations. Full box or single items or cash. Please note and follow the new packing instructions re contents. We learned a lot from Tracy’s recent visit and talk re the Charity.
Prayer Meetings every Tues at 11.15am
Deacons Meeting 24th Nov 1pm
Coffee Morning Nov 9th 10.30 am to 12 noon.
FLOWER DONORS, Nov 3rd Mrs Ackers Nov 10th
Nov 17th Josephine Kay Nov 24th Ann Bond Dec 1st I M O Stephen D and Eileen B.
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY CHANGES It was agreed at the last church meeting to retime our morning service to allow members to attend the Cenotaph service. There will then be a short service at LBC at 11.30am. Drinks will be served BEFORE the service.
Advent Bible Study-Tue 26 Nov, 3rd Dec 10th and 17th December. Meet at 6pm for soup and sandwich followed by the study 6.30pm -7.30pm
We know members have had their own health issues, or have been involved in supporting loved ones with theirs. Let’s be glad that we can offer this support and pray for continued strength and patience to carry on. We especially pray for Joanne Morton and Angie Stuart at this time.
There have been a number of maintenance, new fittings and repair projects at church as well as plans to board out the loft space. You may not notice them immediately but we thank those who have been working behind the scenes to organise them.
We have seen a significant drop in people attending Coffee Mornings: Sometimes only a handful including Kitchen Volunteers. This is the ‘best’ cup of coffee, crumpets and chat in Leigh, asking only a donation, and has been a great source of fellowship over many years. Please see if you can pop in on the 2nd Saturday of each month.
BMS Prayer Requests for Nepal in November: Please pray for the people who are still rebuilding their lives after the 2015 earthquakes. Pray for BMS workers Pippa and Toby Vokhul in Pokhara and those helping communities.
We continue to use and be grateful for the thoughtful printed work of our former Minister Rev Nick Fawcett, now an established author. Nick continues to publish despite his longstanding and ongoing health issues. We are pleased to have been part of his early ministry and career and know he still holds a warm affection for his friends at LBC.
Here’s a prayer of intercession, taken from his 2017 book Prayers for a Hurting World. Shared by email from Nick © Nick Fawcett
God of love,
we remember today those who struggle with the burden of loneliness.
We think of the elderly and housebound –
those who due to infirmity or ill health are unable to get out as they used to,
to socialise with family and friends
or to be part of society in the way they once were,
sometimes spending days or even weeks without meaningful human contact,
and often feeling themselves to be a burden on those they do see.
Help them to cope with their isolation,
and to know themselves loved.
We think of those who have lost a loved one,
whose marriage or relationship with a partner
has broken down,
who are estranged by family feuds,
whose children have left home –
each yearning for the presence of those
they are separated from.
Help them to cope with their isolation,
and to know themselves loved.
We think of those who struggle to make friends,
who are too shy to build meaningful relationships,
who lack confidence in themselves,
who feel lonely even in a crowd.
Help them to cope with their isolation,
and to know themselves loved.
We think of those who live as refugees or migrants in foreign lands,
who are treated with suspicion and hostility,
who feel their face does not fit and their presence is not welcome.
Help them to cope with their isolation,
and to know themselves loved.
May those who are friendless find friendship,
those who are estranged find reconciliation,
those who doubt their worth find self-assurance,
those who mourn loved ones find comfort,
those who feel alone find companionship.
Help them to cope with their isolation,
and to know themselves loved.
For DECEMBER issue please submit items by Mon Nov 18th @ leighbaptistchurch.org.uk