M e s s e n g e r
Website : www.leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Contact: admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Pastoral Leader: Mrs Val Hulme
The following friends will lead services in October
October 6th 10.45am Harvest – Operation Agri led by Val Hulme (Pastoral Leader) followed by FAITH LUNCH plus Quiz
Oct 13th 10.45am Pastor Lawrence (Atherton)
Oct 20th 10.45am Tracy Berry (Operation Xmas Child Rep) Also 12.30pm FAITH LUNCH
Oct 27th 10.45am (Communion) Mrs Val Hulme
Coffee and crafts: Friday 4th Oct 10am -12 £3
Coffee Morning Oct 12th 10.30 am to 12 noon.
Prayer Meetings Tuesdays at 11.15am
Deacons Meeting MON Oct 21st 7pm
Light Party planning Thu Oct 10th 7.30pm
CHOIR CONCERT Fri 25th Oct 7.30pm by “All Singers Great and Small”
ALL AGE LIGHT PARTY Oct 31st. 6.30pm -8pm
FLOWER DONORS, Oct 6th Mr and Mrs G Jones Oct 13th Ken Smith Oct 20th and 27th th vacancy Nov 3rd Mrs L Ackers
Mrs Olwen M passed away peacefully at the age of 95 recently and a Celebration service was held on 13th Sept. to give thanks for her life, her church work and the influence she had on many lives. Many tributes were shared at that well-attended service. Olwen was recognised as a stalwart Baptist and church worker, a friend, an encourager, a welcomer to all, a confidant, a sensitive listener, a good neighbour, a baker of cakes, with a special smile that exuded love. She was also an ‘honorary’ Aunty and Grandma to generations of children and adults. John and Ann wish to thank everyone for cards, kind expressions of sympathy and practical help and support. Donations raised £700 towards two charities in lieu of flowers. Val adds “We will certainly miss her encouraging smile and words of wisdom amongst others things. A true servant and a lovely lady.”
TRIP TO WIGAN. In a clear break in tradition LBC was closed for one Sunday in September to allow a group to attend WIGAN BAPTIST CHURCH to join with others in hearing Lynn Greene the Gen Sec Of Baptist Union. She challenged and inspired us with a message on “DEEP WATER DISCIPLESHIP” A time of food, faith and fellowship was enjoyed. Thanks to car drivers.
BMS prayer requests for ALBANIA. We are asked to Pray for BMS Workers in Albania showing God’s love to marginalised groups. Pray for health workers Anne and Xhina who work with children with complex disabilities providing specialist Physiotherapy.
Gifts for Harvest Sunday can be non-perishable food items for the FOODBANK or cash donations to Operation Agri. List of suggested items in foyer.
SHOEBOX COLLECTION. We will once again be supporting the O.C.C. shoe box collection at the beginning of November. We hope to have official boxes available. Leaflets advising on cash gifts and items will be available. Please listen for further details. The Wigan Rep for Operation Christmas Child will be showing a video and speaking at both services on Oct 20th
​ALLSINGERSGREATANDSMALL Choir which meets in our premises each Wednesday evening will give a concert on Friday 25th Oct at 7.30pm. The choir will take no fee and all proceeds will go to LBC. Tickets available or pay on door £5. This is a great event to invite friends and family to join us.
To show that Christ is the Light of the World we are holding an all-age LIGHT PARTY on Thu 31st OCT 6.30 -8pm. Come along and enjoy games, songs, activities and bible stories along with a small snack. Printed invitations will be available shortly to invite others, including accompanied children.
PRAYER DIARY is now available. Make sure you pick one up. Other items for prayer that are not listed in the diary are strengthening and increasing Diaconate ( AGM NOV 17th) Christmas party (14th Dec) and future toddler group in New Year.
As part of our VISION Meetings about smarter and better communication with a wider audience we recognised that Social Media is a good tool for this (and a Poor Master). So firstly can we encourage all those who can to “like” and “Follow” Leigh Baptist Church on FACEBOOK and “share” posts. Angie is doing a brilliant job of exploiting the possibilities here and we simply don’t know how far the message can be spread in this way. Please check that you “like” LBC and not Leigh Road Baptist church which is an entirely different fellowship in LEIGH ON SEA!
Those who are very “hip” and “with it” will recognise that this other symbols are INSTAGRAM and TWITTER - it is possible to “Follow” LBC via this medium.You can also contact us via TWITTER. Ask Angie for more instructions!
Help each one of us to look in honesty
At what we are without you
And show us
What we can become with you
©Eddie Askew
Lord, I pray that we all may find
our roots in you
That nourished in love
And fed by grace
We may grow tall and strong
To face the storms that life will bring
©Eddie Askew
For NOVEMBER issue please submit by Mon Oct 21st admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk