M e s s e n g e r
Website : www.leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Contact: admin@leighbaptistchurch.org.uk
Pastoral leader: Mrs Val Hulme
The following friends will lead services in September :
Sun 1st 10.45am Mrs K Williams
Sun 8th 10.45am Mr Colin Owen ( Heywood)
Sun 15th ** no service at LBC ** . Instead Church members and car drivers plan to go to WIGAN BAPTIST morning service for the visit of Rev Lynn Green , Gen Sec of B.U. Local arrangements to follow. See notices.
Sun 22nd 10.45am Mrs Val Hulme (communion)
Sun 29th 10.45am Mrs Val Hulme
Oct 6th 10.45am HARVEST. Operation Agri 12.30pm Harvest Faith Lunch
Saturday Sept 14th 10.30am - 12noon Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan cancer support
Tuesdays Sept 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th 11.15am Prayer Meeting in vestry
Tue 17th Network Praise and Prayer meeting at LBC. Please come and join with Christians from other churches in our Network. We are hosting the evening.
Mon Sept 9th 7pm Deacons Meeting
Coffee & Craft -next meeting October 4th
LIGHT party planning meeting 12th Sept 7.30pm. Please join us if you feel you can help.
FLOWER DONORS Sept 1st Ken Smith I M O Jean Sept 8th Val Hulme IMO Mr & Mrs Haden Sept 15th vacancy Sept 22nd Val Hulme IMO Lilian & Ken Sept 29th The Thomasson Family IMO Derek
BMS BIRTHDAYS 21st Kathleen M 22nd Elaine D
We were sorry to hear about Jean’s car accident in Anglesey and trust the after effects were not too painful or expensive! We remain concerned about Angie’s chronic pain and fatigue and pray it will improve. Olwen M has settled in her new Nursing home and remains much the same. We pray for all those going through a difficult and painful time at present and hope that the Summer brings some relief.
HARVEST GIFTS 6th October -dry goods and tinned items for the Food Bank (as usual) and /or cash donations to BMS OPERATION AGRI. Morning service will be followed by a Harvest Lunch and quiz. (details later)
CHURCH MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Alternative to Halloween “LIGHT PARTY” using Scripture Union material (for all ages) planned by Deacons and S.School leaders for Oct 31st 6.30pm to 8pm. . Help and prayers appreciated Outreach. Val asked for prayers and support for a proposed Toddlers Group in 2020. Treasurer’s role & Book keeper role. We are sorely in need of BOTH roles but latest B.U. advice is that the treasurer must be a Trustee (i.e. Deacon) Anyone feeling called to step up to either role please discuss further with the deacons. The Deacons had proposed increasing Val’s paid hours by 3 hours per week and this was agreed by the meeting from September 2019. Date of next meeting. AGM 17th Nov (after a faith lunch)
GOD’S CALL: We are called to be God’s servants working in His world today; taking His own task upon us, all His sacred words obey. Let us rise then to His summons, dedicate to Him our all, that we may be faithful servants , quick to answer now His call. Thomas Jackson 1931
SON RISE/ SUN RISE by Rev Nick Fawcett
There’s no denying that the sun brightens our lives, making everything somehow feel better when it shines. More important, without its life-giving energy this planet would be barren, devoid of the wonders we take for granted. As Christians though we celebrate a rising of a different kind: not the sun but the Son. We celebrate the victory of Christ over death, of good over evil, light over darkness and love over hatred. Here is a rising that shapes everything we are and do: that makes life not only feel better but actually be better, for it is able to transform lives, including our own. What we are now is never the final word. Our mistakes, our weaknesses our trials and our sorrows are not the end of the story, for through the risen Christ, God offers a new dawn to all.
The God who decreed “let light shine in the darkness” has illuminated our hearts, filling them with the radiant knowledge of God’s glory revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Cor 4:6
Thank you Lord that your light that scattered the darkness of the tomb continues to shine today, and that nothing finally will ever be able to overcome it. Amen . ©Nick Fawcett 2019
SHOE BOXES. We hope to do this appeal again in November. Tracy Berry (Wigan rep) will speak about this on Oct 20th for morning and lunch services.
THANKS to Miriam Simon for replacing the worn out linings in our offertory bags. A lovely job done.
CHURCHES in LEIGH Hope Out Loud in on Sat 7th Sept 12pm -1pm
Service at WIGAN Baptist Sunday 15th . We will be boldly venturing into Wigan for this special service. If you would like to come with us please sign one of the lists that will be put up - either offering a lift or wanting one. No Service at LBC that Sunday.
GIFTS SURVEYS. Can all completed surveys be returned to Val asap please.
Items for October Issue by Sept 22nd please