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Messenger newsletter JANUARY




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Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Days Off Tuesdays and Fridays)

email :         TEL  07817142192

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“Starting the New Year with God.”


New Year is a time when many people hope to make positive changes in their lives. As believers we have the added blessing of beginning the upcoming year with God at our side.


Trusting in His Plans:    As we step into a New Year we must recognise that God has a purpose and a plan for each of our lives. We may not know what lies ahead but we can trust that God is orchestrating everything for our good. The Bible reminds us in Jeremiah 29.11 “For I know the plans I have  for you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


Seeking His Wisdom:    To align ourselves with God’s plans, we must seek His wisdom and understanding.  The book of Proverbs says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways submit to Him , and He will make your paths straight.”


Prioritising PrayerThe most effective way to start the coming year with God is by prioritising prayer. Prayer is our direct line of communication with our Heavenly Father and allows us to seek His guidance. Matthew 6.6 says “when you pray, go into your room and close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen.”


Immersing in His WordThe Bible is the living and inspired Word of God and serves as our guide and source of wisdom. Psalm119 declares “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Immerse yourself in God’s Word and let it shape your journey in the New Year.


Stepping out in Faith:  It is crucial to step out in faith and trust that He will provide for your needs. Hebrews  11.1 defines faith as “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”  Walking in faith means surrendering our doubts to God and allowing Him to work miracles in our lives.


Practicing Obedience:   Alongside faith, obedience plays a significant role in our relationship with God. In John 14.15,  Jesus says “if you love me, keep my commands.”   Obedience is an expression of our love for God.


As we embark on a New Year let us remember the importance of starting it with God. The journey may have twists and turns, but with God at our side, we can be confident that He will lead us into a future filled with hope and purpose.  Let’s start the New Year with God and embrace His plans for our lives.                                                                                                                                                                    Acknowledgement ©





Sun  5th January                     10.45am      Worship Service    Val Hulme

Sun 12th January          10.45am      Open Service

Sun 19th January                    10.45am      Worship service with Church & Congregation Meeting – Revd N Brighton

Sun 26th January          10.45am      Covenant & Communion Service      Val Hulme       


Wednesdays throughout January  10-11am Prayer Meeting   . 9.45am Coffee and chat

Wed 8th January          11.15am    Deacons’ Meeting

Thu 30th January          Strategy Group Meeting


Other Users of the Building:

Tue 7th January 7pm    ASGAS planning meeting

Wednesdays 7.30pm   All Singers Great and Small   Community Choir

Thursdays  10am-12pm  Atherton and Leigh Foodbank




Another year I enter

Its history unknown;

Oh, how my feet would tremble

To tread its paths alone!

But I have heard a whisper,

I know I shall be blest;

"My presence shall go with thee,

And I will give thee rest."


What will the New Year bring me?

I may not, must not know;

Will it be love and rapture,

Or loneliness and woe?

Hush! Hush! I hear his whisper;

I surely shall be blest;

"My presence shall go with thee,

And I will give thee rest."

Author Unknown

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